Performance Ensembles
The Instrumental Music Program at College Park High School consists of 8 total performance ensembles for student participation. Each performance ensemble is a class that is held during the school day with the exception of our Symphony Orchestra which is a co-curricular ensemble that rehearses once a week on Tuesday evenings. All students that have experience on a woodwind, string, brass or percussion instrument are welcome to participate in our program. Auditions are required only for our three honors ensemble classes, otherwise students can participate every year without having to audition.
Below is our Instrumental Music Course Sequence flow chart that explains how our program is structured. Scroll down further to read about our performance ensembles at College Park.
The CP Symphony Orchestra
at Sonoma State University
College Park Symphony Orchestra (CPSO)
The Symphony Orchestra is one of College Park's premier ensembles. Membership is by audition only and combines the top players from Chamber Orchestra & Wind Ensemble. Students in CPSO must commit to evening rehearsals once a week since this ensemble is a co-curricular part of the Chamber Orchestra class and the Wind Ensemble class.
The 2024-2025 CP Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble (Honors)
The Wind Ensemble is one of College Park's premier ensembles. Students are admitted only after achieving a high level of mastery on their instrument and after completing a successful audition. Students from this ensemble are chosen for membership in the Symphony Orchestra. This ensemble class receives honors credit.
The 2024-2025 CP Chamber Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra (Honors)
The Chamber Orchestra is College Park's advanced orchestra class. Students are admitted by audition and generally complete one year in the entry level String Orchestra class before being admitted. Freshmen may be admitted to Chamber orchestra by audition only. This ensemble class receives honors credit.
The 2024-2025 CP Jazz Ensemble
Jazz Ensemble (Honors)
The Jazz Ensemble is the premiere jazz band at College Park. Placement in Jazz Ensemble is by audition only. The group studies jazz works of moderate to advanced levels and participates in many festivals and jazz events. This ensemble class receives honors credit.
The 2024-2025 CP Symphonic Band
Symphonic Band
The Symphonic Band is an intermediate level ensemble that is comprised of sophomores, juniors and seniors who have completed one year in the Concert Band. An audition is not required for this class. However, an audition is required for freshmen only.
The 2024-2025 CP Concert Band
Concert Band
With some exceptions, freshmen wind and percussion students are placed in the Concert Band for a year of study in which progress is made in instrumental technique and musicianship. Preparation is made in this class for later participation in Symphonic Band or Wind Ensemble.
The 2024-2025 CP String Orchestra
String Orchestra
The String Orchestra is College Park's entry level orchestra class. An audition is not required for admission into this ensemble. The class focuses on basic musicianship skills in preparation for upper level ensembles. Most freshmen will enroll in this class.
The 2024-2025 CP Jazz Band
Jazz Band
The Jazz Band is our entry level jazz band at College Park. This class provides interested students with an opportunity to improve upon their understanding of jazz technique - no audition required.
The CP Falcon Pep Band at a home varsity football game (top) and on the field at a San Francisco Giants baseball game (bottom).
Falcon Pep Band
The College Park Falcon Pep Band plays at all home varsity football games in the fall semester and is comprised of all band students in Concert Band, Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble. At roughly 135 strong, the Falcon Pep Band plays popular tunes in the stands during football games but does not march. Playing at football games in the Falcon Pep Band counts as performances and are part of each student’s grade in their respective band class. See the current calendar at for all home varsity football dates.