Busking Info

for Virginia Hills Safeway, Nob Hill Foods Martinez & Lunardi's Pleasant Hill

At College Park High School during the months of September & October, our Band & Orchestra students help raise money to fund our instrumental music program through busking at some of our local supermarkets. Below is information, guidlines and sign-ups for this year's busking dates. We need to fill ALL busking shifts! Students should sign-up with a friend and help out our program! 



Click the sign-up genius link below to sign-up for a busking shift. If you sign-up for a shift, please make sure you follow through and complete the shift. We need to make sure all shifts are filled and executed.

 There are tabs at the top of the sign-up genius for all dates, so make sure you choose the correct date that you want. 

LINK TO SIGN-UP GENIUS: https://www.signupgenius.com/tabs/13577D70EAECAEBC2AF6-busking2#/ 


September 20, 21, 22 @Virginia Hills Safeway

September 27, 28, 29 @Lunardi's

October 4, 5, 6 @Nob Hill Foods Martinez